Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 15

This week's theme is: How other's see you

I was so busy this week and didn't want to do another self portrait, I kept trying to come up with something that represented me but was clever and would be fun to shoot. This idea finally hit me and it seemed doable and fun and worked in my time frame! I think if I'd had a bit more time I could have done a few different things, but I'm still happy with this and I think its fun:

"I think people see me as a pretty good egg." :)
MCP Project 52
I think this represents me in a few different ways, I think I try to be a good person sure (even if I'm not always), but I think the picture itself shows a bit of my personality. I'm a little bit silly, I don't always take myself too seriously (and of course, sometimes I really DO! haha), I like pretty, delicate things and I have a pretty soft shell and then you get to all the mushy stuff inside me! haha

Post Edit: I was chosen as one of the top ten pictures for this week! How exciting! :)

1 comment:

skcoe said...

I LOVE this Melzie!